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제목 북한 인권상황 관련 제50차 인권소위 결의문
등록일 2003-12-23 조회수 15741

  모든 유엔 회원국이 유엔헌장, 세계인권선언 및 기타 인권협약에 규정된대로 인권을 보호하고 중진할 의무가 있음을 재확인하고, 북한이 국제인권규약 및 아동권리 협약 당사국 임을 인식하고, 북한이 1998, 5월 아동권리 위원회에서 최초 보고서를 심의 받은 것을 유엔협약기구와의 협력에 긍정적인 징후로서 고려하며, 1997년 8. 21 인권소위 결의(1997. 3)를 상기하면서 북한 내 인권 상황에 관한 정한 정보를 얻는 것이 극도로 어려우며 특히 북한정부가 독립적인 언론인 및 인권운동가 들을 계속 탄압함에 따라 이러한 어려움이 가중되고 있음을 우려하며,북한 내에서 불법 처형,실종에 관한 빈번한 보고와 수천명의 정치범이 억류되어 있고 이들 중 상당수가 심각한 학대에 따라 질병, 기아 및 유기로 사망하고 있다는 보고를 우려하며,

1. 북한이 1998. 5월 아동 권리 위원회에서 최초 보고서 심의를 받은 것을 환영함.

2. 북한정부가 자국 및 외국으로 출국할 권리 및 자국으로 귀국할 권리를 보장한 세계인권선언13조 및 시민적, 정치적 권리에 관한 국제규약 12조를 전적으로 보장할 것을 긴급촉구함.

3. 북한 정부가 유엔 헌장에 따라 인권의 보호 및 증진을 위하여 유엔의 절차 및 활동에 전적으로 협력할 것을 요청함.

4. 북한정부가 독립적인 국내 및 국제인권감시 기구가 북한의 현 인권상황에 대하여 조사하는 것을 허용하고 편의를 제공할 것과 조사결과 보고서를 북한내에서 간행, 배포하는 것을 허용할 것을 강력히 촉구함.

5. 국제인권기구 및 인도적 구호기구가 북한내 인권상황에 보다 큰 관심을 기울여줄 것을 요청함.

6. 국제 인도적 구호기구가 북한주민의 기아와 여타 경제난에 따른 영향에 대하여 국제적 인식을 제고하고, 실질적이며 효과적인 지원을 제공할 것을 요청함.

7. 인권위원회가 차기회의에서 북한의 인권상황을 토의할 것을 권고하며, 인권위원회가 북한인권상황에 관하여 조치를 취할 수 없는 경우에는 제51차 인권소위에서 이 문제를 계속 토의할 것을 결정함.


Subject: On the Human Rights of North Korea

Dear Ambassador, Your Excellency

We should like to express our sincere respect for your endeavor to promote 'Civil and Political Rights' and 'Economic, Social and Cultural Rights'

Keeping in mind of 1997 and 1998 Resolutions of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission for Human rights, entitled "Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea", adopted on Aug. 21. 1997. and Aug. 21. 1998. respectively, we should much appreciate the opportunity to inform you of our resolution, with regard to the [Systematized Monitoring, Controls and Bound] [Society closed][Intrrnet Camp] [447.Civilians kidnaped and POW detained] We hope that your and influence for the situations means much in human history.


Sincerely Yours

Ki-Seung CHUNG
Constitution Law Advocates.

Attached: Resolution of Constitution Law Advocates, Oct. 22. 1998.


On October 22, 1998, the "Constitution Law Advocates" has resolved as follows as to the human rights in the North Korea upon conclusion of the "Seminar on the Human Rights in the North Korea".

Resolves :

1. We support both the 1997 and 1998 Resolutions of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission for Human Rights, entitled "Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea" adopted on 8/21/97 and 8/21/98 respectively.

2. North Korea, upon becoming a party to the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" and the formally joined the United Nations as a member State of the United Nations and a party to the international covenants, has the obligation and duty to obey the term of said international covenants.

3. Human rights, inherent in ourselves as human beings, are the rights to be guaranteed of human dignity. Assurance of human dignity, as a trend of the times, is now being emphasized more than ever before. Therefore, the people of the North Korea should be guaranteed as a matter of course the basic human rights provided for and assured by the terms of said international covenants on human rights.

4. To maintain its totalitarian regime. North Korea is not only ignoring basic human rights of its residents but also forcing them to go through their lives in silent obedience. In such a society, it is virtually impossible to be assured of human rights. Being under systematized monitoring and controls, and further bound by social organizations, the North Korea people can not enjoy happy lives as guaranteed to free citizens. The North Korean people's lives are heavily regulated and controlled by the communist regime directed by its system. Moreover, it is regretful that North Korea is rendering itself into a closed society not only by insulating them from the outside world.

5. Upon reconfirming that the most infamous place in infringing upon human rights is the internment camp for the political prisoners, we urge that the appointment of the United Nations Special Rapporteur for this matter be made as soon as possible.

6. The international society's concern and support are essential for those presently detained in the North Korea, 447 civilians kidnaped and R.O.K.'s prisoners of war surrendered, to be able to return to R.O.K. as soon as possible.

7. Finally, the respect for human dignity, regardless of the political ideologies and systems of the people, as the ideal and goal of the mankind universally applicable to all the countries beyond their borderlines and systems, is the fundamental prerequisite for maintaining worthy lives as human beings. Also, as the Cold War Era coming to an end, the issue of human dignity has become such an internationally focused agenda of interest that its concern now goes beyond the national borderlines. And thus it is reconfirmed that urging the improvement on and advocating guarantees for human rights are the rights and obligations of the international society.

Constitution Law Advocates
Republic of Korea
Ki-Seung Chung

Constitution Law Advocates, Republic of Korea, is the association of lawyers advocating, assisting and defending the Constitutional Rights of Korean people.

The members includes ex-chairmans of Federation of Korean Bar Associations, ex-presidents of Supreme Court, ex-ministers of Justice Ministry,ex-attorneys-general, ex- auditors-general of Republic of Korea.