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제목 美육참총장 "필요하면 北과 싸울 수도" /Army Chief: U.S. Can Fight North Korea If
글쓴이 연합뉴스,FOXNews 등록일 2009-06-01
출처 연합뉴스, FOXNews 조회수 1199

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美육참총장 "필요하면 北과 싸울 수도"


  • 연합뉴스
  • 입력 : 2009.05.29 21:36
미국은 테러리스트와 극단주의자들과의 갈등이 계속되는 상황이라도 필요하다면 북한과 재래식 전쟁을 벌일 수 있다고 조지 케이시 미 육군 참모총장이 28일 밝혔다.

케이시 참모총장은 이날 전략국제문제연구소(CSIS)를 방문한 자리에서 만약 한반도에서 전쟁이 발발한다면 미국도 전쟁에 참여할 준비가 돼 있느냐는 질문에 대해 “간단히 답한다면, 그렇다”고 대답했다.

그는 이어 현재 대테러전을 수행 중인 미 육군을 재래식 전투태세로 전환하려면 시간이 좀 걸릴 것이라고 말했다. 통상적으로 군이 ’재래식 전쟁’을 수행하기 위해서는 약 90일 정도의 준비기간이 필요하다는 것이다.

하지만 이는 통상적인 경우에 그렇다는 것이지, 미군이 북한과의 전투에서 성과를 거두기 위해 90일이나 걸린다는 뜻은 아니라고 케이시 참모총장은 설명했다.

그는 미군을 ’잘 훈련된 군대’로 평가하면서, 미군은 유사시 빠른 시일 내에 전투태세를 갖출 수 있다고 강조했다.

케이시 총장은 또 북한과 전쟁을 벌이게 될 경우 이번 전쟁은 ’전통적인 방식의 전투’가 되지 않을 수도 있다고 밝혀, 북한이 핵전쟁을 벌일 가능성도 고려하고 있음을 내비쳤다.

다음은 FOXNews  http://www.foxnews.com 에 있는



Army Chief: U.S. Can Fight North Korea If



North Korea has threatened war after condemnation of its underground nuclear test this week, and the United States has a long-term commitment to South Korea's defense.





Thursday, May 28, 2009


WASHINGTON -- The United States could fight an old-fashioned war against North Korea if necessary, even while newer forms of conflict against terrorists and extremists continue, the Army's top officer said Thursday.


Asked whether the United States would be prepared to fight if war broke out between South Korea and North Korea, Gen. George Casey replied, "The short answer is yes," then added that "it would probably take us a little bit longer to shift gears" away from the type of counterinsurgency fighting that now occupies the Army.


Casey said his usual rubric for how long it would take the Army to gear up for a new "conventional" war is about 90 days. That doesn't mean it would take 90 days for the U.S. to effectively fight the North's million-man army, he said.


"We'd move forces as rapidly as we could get them prepared," Casey said during an appearance at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.


North Korea has threatened war following condemnation of its underground nuclear test this week, and the United States has a long-term commitment to South Korea's defense.


"This is a combat-seasoned force" that can pivot quickly, Casey said.


Defense Secretary Robert Gates, speaking to reporters as he traveled to the Far East for a conference with defense ministers, said North Korea's actions have not reached a crisis level that would warrant additional U.S. troops in the region.


"What we do have, though, are two new developments that are very provocative, that are aggressive, accompanied by very aggressive rhetoric," Gates said. "And I think it brings home the reality of the challenge that North Korea poses to the region and to the international community."


Casey, the Army's chief of staff, suggested that war with the nuclear-armed North might not be the old-style land war that U.S. forces stationed in South Korea were envisioned to fight. He did not elaborate, but he was presumably referring to the possibility that the North might use or threaten to use its proven nuclear capability.


Casey focused on his plans to rearrange the Army around the "reality scenario" of sustained counterterrorism conflict. The reality of permanent war means the United States should have 10 Army brigades and Marine Corps regiments available for overseas conflict worldwide, he said.


"It's not just Iraq and Afghanistan," Casey said. Including Iraq in his contingency planning is not to say that the United States won't honor its agreement with Iraq to pull forces from the country by 2012, he said.


"We will execute the draw down plan that has been executed between our governments," he said.


"I don't know that anyone knows what the security relationship and force level will be, if there are any, in Iraq," after the scheduled withdrawal of combat forces," he added. "That's very much to be determined."