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제목 테러지원국 해제, 미국 북한 지정후 20년만에 해제 착수 /[백악관] President Bush Discusses North Korea
글쓴이 조선닷컴 등록일 2008-07-04
출처 조선닷컴 조회수 1235

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테러지원국 해제, 미국 북한 지정후 20년만에 해제 착수


KAL기 폭파사건 계기로 88년 1월 지정..8월 해제 예정








조지 부시 미국 대통령은 26일 북한이 핵신고 약속을 뒤늦게 나마 이행하자 ‘행동 대 행동’ 원칙에 따라 북한을 앞으로 45일 이내에 테러지원국 명단에서 삭제하겠다고 밝혔다.

이에 따라 북한은 핵신고에 따른 검증 과정에서 충실하게 협력을 하면 오는 8월11일 테러지원국 명단의 굴레에서 1988년 1월 지정된 이후 20년 7개월여 만에 벗어날 수 있게 된다.

미 국무부는 북한을 1987년 12월 김현희 등 북한 공작원들에 의한 대한항공(KAL) 858기 폭파사건 직후인 테러지원국으로 지정한 뒤 지난 4월30일 연례보고서에까지 북한을 이란, 쿠바, 시리아, 수단 등과 함께 테러지원국 명단에 계속 올려 놓았었다.

그동안 북한은 그동안 미국의 제재 조치에 벗어나기 위해 테러지원국 지정 해제를 그동안 끊임없이 요구해왔고 그 과정에서 해제 가능성도 여러 차례 제기돼왔다.

특히 2000년 들어 해제 가능성이 크게 대두됐었다.

북한이 테러지원국으로 지정된 이후 13년여 동안 주목할만한 테러지원 행위를 한 적이 없었고 96년3월 이스라엘 폭탄 테러사건과 98년8월 탄자니아 및 케냐 주재 미국대사관 폭탄테러가 각각 발생했을 때 외교부(현 외무성) 대변인이 반대하는 성명을 발표했기 때문이다.

그리고 2000년 3월 북미 테러전문가 회담이 열린 것도 정상 참작의 중요한 이유로 지적됐었다.

미국은 그 이후에도 북한에 대해 KAL기 폭파와 일본인 납치사건, 적군파 보호 등을 이유로 번번이 테러지원국 명단에서 삭제에서 보류했고 지난 4월30일 연례 테러보고서에서도 북한을 예년과 같이 테러지원국으로 명시했다.

하지만 올 들어 미 국무부는 북한을 테러지원국 명단에서 삭제하는 조치를 북한의 비핵화, 다시 말해 2.13 합의에 따른 ’완전하고 정확한’ 핵프로그램 신고와 연계시키겠다며 핵신고와 동시에 테러지원국 지정 삭제 조치에 돌입하겠다는 의사를 분명하게 밝힘에 따라 어느 해보다 연내 테러지원국 지정 삭제 가능성이 가시화되기 시작했다.

당시 미 국무부는 “미국은 북한의 비핵화 조치에 병행하고, 미 국내법 규정에 따라 북한의 테러지원국 지정을 해제하겠다는 약속을 이행할 의사가 있음을 거듭 확인한다”고 밝혔었다.

이는 또 작년 보고서에서 나온 “2007년 2.13 합의에 따라 북한을 테러지원국 지정에서 해제하는 과정을 시작하기로 합의했다”는 내용보다 미국의 대북 테러지원국 지정 해제 용의가 더 직접적으로 표현된 것으로 분석되기도 했다.

그렇지만 앞으로 테러지원국 명단 삭제가 이뤄지기 위해서는 무엇보다 북한의 핵신고에 따른 검증 협력이 중요하다고 미국이 거듭 주장하고 있어 45일 만에 반드시 삭제조치가 단행될 것이라고 속단할 수 없는 상황이다.

부시 대통령의 이날 긴급기자 회견에서는 북한의 핵신고가 “끝이 아니라 시작”이며 무엇보다 철저한 검증이 뒤따르고 북한이 약속을 이행하지 않으면 상응한 대가가 있을 수 있다는 점이 강조하면서 이번에 착수한 테러지원국 리스트 삭제조치에 따른 북한의 약속 이행 수준이 미흡하다고 판단되면 전면 백지화될 수 있음을 북한에 다시 한번 상기시켰기 때문이다.
입력 : 2008.06.27 01:02





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스의 기사입니다.


'테러지원국 북한' 미(美), 해제절차 시작


북한 핵신고서 제출… 부시 "45일내 조치"
베이징=박승준 특파원 sjpark@chosun.com 기자의 다른 기사보기

워싱턴=이하원 특파원 May2@chosun.com 기자의 다른 기사보기


북한은 26일 오후 6시30분쯤(한국시각) 최진수 주중(駐中) 북한대사를 통해 6자회담 의장인 우다웨이(武大偉) 중국 외교부 부부장에게 핵 활동 내용을 담은 60페이지 분량의 신고서를 제출했다.

조지 W 부시(Bush) 미국 대통령은 북핵 신고 직후 백악관에서 기자회견을 갖고, '행동 대 행동' 원칙에 의해 북한을 테러지원국에서 해제하는 절차를 시작하고, 북한에 대한 적성국교역법 적용을 중단하겠다고 밝혔다. 부시 대통령은 "이번 신고는 핵 폐기 절차의 끝이 아니라 시작"이라며, 앞으로 테러지원국 효력이 발생하기 전까지 45일간 북한의 신고 내용을 엄밀히 검증하겠다고 했다. 부시 대통령은 "북한이 약속을 이행하지 않을 경우에는 적절한 대응을 할 것"이라고도 했다.

북한은 원래 지난해 미·북 간 10·3 합의에 의해 지난해 말까지 핵 신고서를 제출하기로 했지만 우라늄농축프로그램(UEP) 등에 대한 미·북 간의 의견 차이로 신고서 제출이 6개월간 늦춰졌다. 이번 조치는 6자회담에서 합의한 모든 핵 프로그램의 폐기에 한 발짝 다가가고 미국과 북한의 관계개선에도 중요한 발판이 될 것으로 평가된다.

이번 신고서는 핵 관련 시설 목록, 플루토늄 생산·추출량과 핵무기 제조 등의 사용처, 천연우라늄 재고량 등 세 부문으로 구성된 것으로 알려졌다. 그러나 핵 프로그램 신고에 핵 물질과 핵 무기가 제외돼 '반쪽짜리'에 불과하다는 비판도 제기되고 있다.

북한은 27일 오후 4시쯤 성 김 국무부 한국과장 등 미국 정부 당국자들을 초청, 영변핵시설 냉각탑을 폭파할 예정이다. 이 장면은 CNN이 전 세계에 생중계한다.

다음은 백악관 홈페이지  http://www.whitehouse.gov  에 있는 부시

(Bush) 대통령의 연설문


The White House, President George W. Bush Click to print this document

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 26, 2008


President Bush Discusses North Korea

Rose Garden

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7:40 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. The policy of the United States is a Korean Peninsula free of all nuclear weapons. This morning, we moved a step closer to that goal, when North Korean officials submitted a declaration of their nuclear programs to the Chinese government as part of the six-party talks.

The United States has no illusions about the regime in Pyongyang. We remain deeply concerned about North Korea's human rights abuses, uranium enrichment activities, nuclear testing and proliferation, ballistic missile programs, and the threat it continues to pose to South Korea and its neighbors.

President George W. Bush delivers a statement on North Korea Thursday, June 26, 2008, in the Rose Garden of the White House. Said the President, "The policy of the United States is a Korean Peninsula free of all nuclear weapons. This morning, we moved a step closer to that goal, when North Korean officials submitted a declaration of their nuclear programs to the Chinese government as part of the six-party talks."  White House photo by Chris Greenberg Yet we welcome today's development as one step in the multi-step process laid out by the six-party talks between North Korea, China, Japan, Russia, South Korea, and the United States.

Last year, North Korea pledged to disable its nuclear facilities. North Korea has begun disabling its Yongbyon nuclear facility -- which was being used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons. This work is being overseen by officials from the United States and the IAEA. And to demonstrate its commitment, North Korea has said it will destroy the cooling tower of the Yongbyon reactor in front of international television cameras tomorrow.

Last year, North Korea also pledged to declare its nuclear activity. With today's declaration, North Korea has begun describing its plutonium-related activities. It's also provided other documents related to its nuclear programs going back to 1986. It has promised access to the reactor core and waste facilities at Yongbyon, as well as personnel related to its nuclear program. All this information will be essential to verifying that North Korea is ending its nuclear programs and activities.

The six-party talks are based on a principle of "action for action." So in keeping with the existing six-party agreements, the United States is responding to North Korea's actions with two actions of our own:

First, I'm issuing a proclamation that lifts the provisions of the Trading with the Enemy Act with respect to North Korea.

And secondly, I am notifying Congress of my intent to rescind North Korea's designation as a state sponsor of terror in 45 days. The next 45 days will be an important period for North Korea to show its seriousness of its cooperation. We will work through the six-party talks to develop a comprehensive and rigorous verification protocol. And during this period, the United States will carefully observe North Korea's actions -- and act accordingly.

The two actions America is taking will have little impact on North Korea's financial and diplomatic isolation. North Korea will remain one of the most heavily sanctioned nations in the world. The sanctions that North Korea faces for its human rights violations, its nuclear test in 2006, and its weapons proliferation will all stay in effect. And all United Nations Security Council sanctions will stay in effect as well.

The six-party process has shed light on a number of issues of serious concern to the United States and the international community. To end its isolation, North Korea must address these concerns. It must dismantle all of its nuclear facilities, give up its separated plutonium, resolve outstanding questions on its highly enriched uranium and proliferation activities, and end these activities in a way that we can fully verify.

North Korea must also meet other obligations it has undertaken in the six-party talks. The United States will never forget the abduction of Japanese citizens by the North Koreans. We will continue to closely cooperate and coordinate with Japan and press North Korea to swiftly resolve the abduction issue.

This can be a moment of opportunity for North Korea. If North Korea continues to make the right choices, it can repair its relationship with the international community -- much as Libya has done over the past few years. If North Korea makes the wrong choices, the United States and our partners in the six-party talks will respond accordingly. If they do not fully disclose and end their plutonium, their enrichment, and their proliferation efforts and activities, there will be further consequences.

Multilateral diplomacy is the best way to peacefully solve the nuclear issue with North Korea. Today's developments show that tough multilateral diplomacy can yield promising results. Yet the diplomatic process is not an end in itself. Our ultimate goal remains clear: a stable and peaceful Korean Peninsula, where people are free from oppression, free from hunger and disease, and free from nuclear weapons. The journey toward that goal remains long, but today we have taken an important step in the right direction.

I'll take a couple of questions.


Q Mr. President, thank you very much. After declaring them a member of the "axis of evil," and then after that underground nuclear tests that North Korea conducted in 2006, I'm wondering if you ever doubted getting to this stage. And also, I'm wondering if you have a message for the North Korean people.

THE PRESIDENT: I knew that the United States could not solve, or begin to solve, this issue without partners at the table. In order for diplomacy to be effective, there has to be leverage. You have to have a -- there has to be consequential diplomacy.

And so I worked hard to get the Chinese and the South Koreans and the Japanese and the Russians to join with us in sending a concerted message to the North Koreans, and that is, that if you promise and then fulfill your promises to dismantle your nuclear programs, there's a better way forward for you and the people. In other words, as I said in the statement, it's action for action.

It took a while for the North Koreans to take the six-party talks seriously, and it also took there to be concerted messages from people other than the United States saying that if you choose not to respond positively there will be consequences.

And so I'm -- it's been a -- multilateral diplomacy is difficult at times. It's hard to get people heading in the same direction, and yet we were able to do so along -- our partners helped a lot, don't get me wrong.

The message to the North Korean people is, is that we don't want you to be hungry; we want you to have a better life; that our concerns are for you, not against you; and that we have given your leadership a way forward to have better relations with the international community. This is a society that is regularly going through famines. When I campaigned for President, I said we will never use food as a diplomatic weapon. In North Korea, we have been concerned that food shipments sometimes don't make it to the people themselves -- in other words, the regime takes the food for their own use.

So my message to the people is, is that we'll continue to care for you and worry about you, and at the same time, pursue a Korean Peninsula that's nuclear weapons free. And today we have taken a step, and it's a very positive step, but there's more steps to be done.


Q Mr. President, what do you say to critics who claim that you've accepted a watered-down declaration just to get something done before you leave office? I mean, you said that it doesn't address the uranium enrichment issue, and, of course, it doesn't address what North Korea might have done to help Syria build its reactor.

THE PRESIDENT: Well, first, let me review where we have been. In the past, we would provide benefits to the North Koreans in the hope that they would fulfill a vague promise. In other words, that's the way it was before I came into office.

Everybody was concerned about North Korea possessing a nuclear weapon; everybody was concerned about the proliferation activities. And yet the policy in the past was, here are some benefits for you, and we hope that you respond. And, of course, we found they weren't responding. And so our policy has changed, that says, in return for positive action, in return for verifiable steps, we will reduce penalties. And there are plenty of restrictions still on North Korea.

And so my point is this, is that -- we'll see. They said they're going to destroy parts of their plant in Yongbyon. That's a very positive step -- after all, it's the plant that made plutonium. They have said in their declarations, if you read their declarations of September last year, they have said specifically what they will do. And our policy, and the statement today, makes it clear we will hold them to account for their promises. And when they fulfill their promises, more restrictions will be eased. If they don't fulfill their promises, more restrictions will be placed on them. This is action for action. This is we will trust you only to the extent that you fulfill your promises.

So I'm pleased with the progress. I'm under no illusions that this is the first step; this isn't the end of the process, this is the beginning of the process of action for action. And the point I want to make to our fellow citizens is that we have worked hard to put multilateral diplomacy in place, because the United States sitting down with Kim Jong-il didn't work in the past. Sitting alone at the table just didn't work.

Now, as I mentioned in my statement, there's a lot more verification that needs to be done. I mentioned our concerns about enrichment. We expect the North Korean regime to be forthcoming about their programs. We talked about proliferation. We expect them to be forthcoming about their proliferation activities and cease such activities. I mentioned the fact that we're beginning to take inventory, because of our access to the Yongbyon plant, about what they have produced, and we expect them to be forthcoming with what they have produced and the material itself.

So today I'm just talking about the first step of a multi-step process. And I want to thank our partners at the six-party talks. It's been incredibly helpful to achieve -- the beginnings of achieving a vision of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula to have the Chinese to be as robustly involved as they are. You notice that the North Koreans passed on their documents to the Chinese; after all, we're all partners in the six-party talks.

The other thing I want to assure our friends in Japan is that this process will not leave behind -- leave them behind on the abduction issue. The United States takes the abduction issue very seriously. We expect the North Koreans to solve this issue in a positive way for the Japanese. There's a lot of folks in Japan that are deeply concerned about what took place. I remember meeting a mother of a child who was abducted by the North Koreans right here in the Oval Office. It was a heart-wrenching moment to listen to the mother talk about what it was like to lose her daughter. And it is important for the Japanese people to know that the United States will not abandon our strong ally and friend when it comes to helping resolve that issue.

Today is a positive day; it's a positive step forward. There's more work to be done, and we've got the process in place to get it done in a verifiable way.

Thank you.

END 7:53 A.M. EDT