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제목 부시 美대통령 “김정일 위원장과 개인적 유대 불가” (동아닷컴)(백악관자료)
글쓴이 동아닷컴 등록일 2008-02-29
출처 동아닷컴, 백악관홈페이지 조회수 983

다음은 동아닷컴 http://www.donga.com 에 있는 기사입니다. --------------------------------------------------------- 분야 : 정치   2008.2.29(금) 02:56 편집 부시 美대통령 “김정일 위원장과 개인적 유대 불가” 조지 W 부시 미국 대통령은 28일 “북한의 김정일 국방위원장과는 개인적 유대를 가질 생각이 없다”고 말했다. 부시 대통령은 이날 백악관에서 열린 기자회견에서 조만간 대선을 치르는 러시아의 새 지도자와의 개인적 유대 강화를 강조했으나 김 위원장과는 개인적 유대가 “불가능한 관계”라고 강조했다. 부시 대통령은 또 라울 카스트로 신임 쿠바 국가평의회 의장에 대해서도 “독재자를 포용할 생각이 없다”며 대화를 하지 않겠다는 의지를 분명히 했다. 장택동 기자 will71@donga.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ 다음은 백악관홈페이지 http://www.whitehouse.gov 에 있는 부시(Bush) 대통령의 기자회견문에서 앞의 기사와 관련이 있는 부분입니다. 다음과 같이 말하였습니다. 다음 I'm not going to have a personal relationship with Kim Jong-il, and our relationships are such that that's impossible. ------------------------------------------- For Immediate Release Office of the Press Secretary February 28, 2008 Press Conference of the President Q But first of all, are you suggesting, or are you worried that, in fact, Medvedev is a puppet for Vladimir Putin? And -- THE PRESIDENT: No, I wouldn't say that. That's your conclusion, not mine. Q No, I'm asking the question about whether you're concerned. But isn't there something you took away that you can offer to your successor about how it's risky in the process of sizing up your Russian counterpart? Don't you think that you learned something from your time with Putin? THE PRESIDENT: Here's what I learned -- here's what I learned: I learned that it's important to establish personal relations with leaders even though you may not agree with them -- certain leaders. I'm not going to have a personal relationship with Kim Jong-il, and our relationships are such that that's impossible. But U.S.-Russian relations are important. It's important for stability. It's important for our relations in Europe. And therefore my advice is to establish a personal relationship with whoever is in charge of foreign policy in Russia. It's in our country's interest to do so. Now, it makes it easier, by the way, when there's a trustworthy relationship, to be able to disagree and yet maintain common interests in other areas. And so we've had our disagreements. As you know, Putin is a straightforward, pretty tough character when it comes to his interests. Well, so am I. And we've had some head-butts, diplomatic head-butts. You might remember the trip to Slovakia. I think you were there at the famous press conference. But -- and yet, in spite of that, our differences of opinion, we still have got a cordial enough relationship to be able to deal with common threats and opportunities. And that's going to be important for the next President to maintain. Yes, Jonathan.