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미국인권단체가 중국의 올림픽개최 취소를 요구
임광규 베네딕도
중국 하북성의 로마 가톨릭 '지하'교회의 Jia Zhiguo주교가 수술후 튜부를 몸에 박은 채로 지난 6월 25일에 체포된 데 대하여 미국의 인권단체가 중국의 올림픽개최는 올림픽의 명성과 정신에 어울리지 아니하므로 취소할 것을 요구하였다.
72세의 Jia주교는 자택에서 100명가량의 지체장애 고아들을 돌보아 왔다.
(2006. 7. 10 발 가톨릭통신사)
Stamford, Jul. 10, 2006 (CNA) - A U.S.-based human rights group is calling on the Olympic Committee to cancel the Olympic Games in China after government officials arrested yet another Catholic bishop, while he was recovering in the hospital.
Joseph Kung, the president of the Cardinal Kung Foundation, said the games in China should be canceled “in order to preserve [the] good name and spirit” of the international sports event.
Bishop Jia Zhiguo, Roman Catholic bishop of the “underground” Diocese of Zheng Ding in Hebei Province, was arrested on June 25th, while he was still recovering from an operation. Medical staff reported that the bishop, in fact, still had a catheter in place when he was taken.
On the morning of June 25, the government authority informed the nursing staff at the local hospital that a car was being sent to take the 72-year-old bishop to his home in Wu Qiu, where he cares for about 100 handicapped orphans.
When his faithful noticed that their bishop had not returned, they inquired about the delay at the government’s religious bureau. The religious bureau told them the bishop had been sent for "education" for several days.
To date, there has been no word on the bishop and his whereabouts remain unknown.
Cumulatively, Bishop Jia has been jailed for nearly 20 years of his 26 year episcopacy. According to the Cardinal Kung Foundation, this is the ninth time he has been arrested since January 2004.
The Cardinal Kung Foundation has also appealed to governments and corporations to take into greater consideration such human rights violations when forming and implementing their political and business decisions regarding communist China
China became communist in 1949, and by 1953 many Chinese priests and lay people were arrested and dying in jail. Unable to stamp out the Catholic Church, the government created its own church three years later, called the Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association (CCPA).
입력날짜 : 2006-07-12 (22:23), 조회수 : 36